Nazilli Vocational Religious High School (Nazilli İmam Hatip Lisesi) is in the centre of Nazilli, which is the biggest district of the city of Aydın. Aydın is in the East of Turkey, near Aegean Sea.
Our school was established in 1966. It has now 50 teachers and 750 students, aged between 14 to 18. Our school has lots of social facilities. Nazilli AİHL (short form of the school name) is a boarding school. Only boys stay in the dormitory, which is on the top floor. 120 male students stay in the dormitory. So the school has lots of social activities for them. We have a library with 4500 books. There’s a small media room where students can watch films. There is an internet room, There are study rooms with computers, suitable for all kind of lessons. There is a small mosque for 250 prayers. The playground is really huge. There are two football pitches and a basketball pitch.
Vocational Religious High Schools in Turkey
Religious Vocational High Schools (Imam-Preacher High Schools) gives education to train staff to perform religious services such as Imamate, oratory and Quranic schools teaching.
These schools, which are public schools that were opened by the Ministry of National Education, are in secondary education system and are implementing a perparatory education to higher education programs and professions - Imamate, oratory and Quranic schools teaching.
The aim of these schools is to educate Imam (chaplain at mosques) and Quran teachers that had general and vocational education at least at the level of high school.
The curriculum of these schools include all subjects and lessons that are taught in other high schools. So the students of these schools can also choose any prfessions in the future.